
A curated collection of beautiful customisable video backgrounds.

This project is a result cooperation between myself and @multikev on the design side of things. Goal of this tool is to allow users easilly create beautifull video bacgrounds to use in their own projects. The tools enable high level of customisability via simple UI.

Video generation

The video generation is achieved thanks to remotion.dev which is a great library that allows you to programatically create videos. This allowed me to genera videos via a medium I'm very familiar with: Frontend web app!

Our app gives user UI that enables hight level of controll of the outcome to make the video truly their own. Once user adjusted the video and requests the export user settings are being send to Remotion Lambda which handles the rendering and after a short wait user can download their video.


Each background have an unique set of editable properties to allow users make creations fully their own.

We've used couple different approaches to each backgorund depending on the visual goal we've wanted to achieve. Bellow you can see some of the main approaches we've used.

GLSL Shaders

WIht glsl shaders its quite easy to achieve beaufifull and smooth gradients.

3D Models

3d models mixed with shaders allowed use to give the graphics a new dimension


Svg was especially usefull for crisp vector graphics.

Whats next

We plan to release more backgrounds and features so watchout this space!